How Mobile Apps Can Increase the Sales of Every Business

mobile application development

Earlier business owners use various flyers, advertisements, catalogues, and brochures to enhance their sales. But at the present time, they don’t need these approaches for introducing their business. With the increased use of smart phones, one mobile app is equals to a brochure, newspaper, cash register, catalogue, etc.

Mobile Apps are a powerful and influencing tool to connect with target customers in any business. Nowadays, almost everyone operates smart phones, and the market for smart phones will keep on growing. 

Let see the different ways, how mobile apps can increase the sales of every business:

Sales Growth

This new channel helps a company to grow faster and also helps in the growth of sales rapidly. It depends on how many target audience company have. 

With discounts, promotions, and bonus pop-up notifications you can induce viewers to buy from your business. You can also contact directly users to make purchases from those who installed your apps, by sending them special offers and discounts on day to day basis. Thus, this helps you to attract more and more business.  

 Building Audience

Businesses can be set up connections with the consumers even if they are far from them. If a person installed an app on their devices, then they don’t have to remember your website address, and it also helps to create more customers for your business. 

Channels for Communication and Marketing strategies

Mobile applications are effectively used to draw attention to your brand name through different marketing promotions. In this way, anyone can expand the possible audience of users and thus build trusted relationships with them. 

Business Process Optimization

One can build an application for the interaction of any firm’s workers within their team so that they can manage and monitor any process; cumulate some statistics, exchange data, and files, etc. mobile application development is efficiently used for the automation and organization of various business-related tasks. 

Making a product that aims only to use within the business itself is fairly a frequent practice. In such a way, you can make sure the interactions should be uninterrupted between workers, despite their present locations. 

Loyalty growth of customers

Allowing customers to order food online, book a spot in a restaurant or make payment to their order online using applications on their mobile phones, it helps business to become a potential tool to boost loyalty. Combine loyalty programs with the mobile application and share valuable promotions, bonuses, or discounts with your customers helps to grow loyalty for users.  

One can take complete benefit of the personalization tool through sharing push notifications regarding new discounted offers and promotions. You can also offer customers who already installed the applications on their mobile access special bonuses and exclusive offers.

These are the ways how mobile apps can increase the sales of every business.

If you are looking for a mobile app Development Company or mobile app development services for your business development, then you should reach out to our company. For more information contact us or visit our website Technogiq IT Solutions.

How Can Mobile Apps Help Save Time and Money

Mobiles Apps

Mobile apps have revolutionized the way people use various services provided by different vendors. Be it shopping, banking services or ordering food online mobile apps have proved to be a convenient medium for catering various customer needs. Companies offering android and iOS development services have benefitted from this revolution in the field of mobile technology.

Traditional ways of doing business and marketing consume a lot of time, effort and capital. It also doesn’t guarantee the reach which is expected. However, with advent of mobile technology and iOS and android app flooding the digital market it became easier to get the business up and running saving time and money. Development of iPhone and android apps have made it easy for both businesses and customers.

Let’s say you are looking to develop a food delivery app. The traditional way would be to create a website and then promote it over internet and other mediums like print and electronic and digital media. The main drawback of such an approach would be that customers will have always have to put in extra efforts to access your website for ordering food online which could be tedious and time consuming. But this could be relatively easy if you have your own mobile app. As a business to begin with, you can contact mobile app development companies and get your own customised iPhone or android app created.

Next step would be to launch your customised iPhone or android app to your customers. The major benefit of a mobile app would be that it will always reside in the phone of your customer. Your customer will find it easy to open the app and make order or use any of the services provided by your mobile app without having to waste too much time and energy.

Another important point to note is that mobile apps also help businesses save a lot of money on publicity and advertisements. App features such as referral programs help build a strong consumer base and also become a means of advertisement. As a result of which a lot of time and money is saved on advertising on various media platforms. However, we are not saying that you should publicise apps on other media platforms, but there is surely a cost benefit when it comes to mobile app and its way of publicity.

Various iPhone and android app development companies developing custom applications for their clients are now implementing unique features like buddy referrals, signup bonus, cashback etc. that attract customers to the application platform and thus act as a strong source of advertisement for their client’s business. This not only saves a lot of money but also helps clients to make use of this money for some other useful work.

We at Technogiq always look to offer custom iPhone and android app development to our clients at an affordable price so that they can make the most of their business ideas. If you have an idea in mind, let’s get in touch.

How to Maximize Value of Your iOS App


Creating a mobile app can be a little tricky, but maximizing its value and taking full advantage of its existence or the reason for which it was created can be a daunting task. Any app that is created has a specific target and achieving that target is of the prime importance. Mobile app development companies while putting the idea into shape take care of this important factor. Without getting maximum value out of your mobile app it is difficult to achieve the goals set as an organization or individual.

Let’s learn about few ways by which you can maximize value of your iOS apps or any other mobile apps. Mobile app development companies must take note of these factors while designing and developing iOS apps for various set of customers.

Concept visualization

It is very important to understand the demography and the kind of audience you will be catering through your mobile app. If you are an iOS app development company looking to launch an app in any region you must understand the demography. That will help you design your app in a way that will be beneficial for your customers and gets the most out of your app.

Identifying content type

Good content will always help you interact with your customers in afriendly way. Onborading and welcome messages in particular should be present for customer retention and be used as a prominent feature in the mobile application. Companies providing mobile app development services often tend to neglect this very important feature.

Build different messaging channels

Push notification is a useful messaging channel to keep in touch with the customers. But what if most of the customers do not opt for them, then there are other ways through which you can build a meaningful message channel. iOS app development companies can make use of In-App messaging to engage large number of users efficiently. Another way could be message centers which act as in-box inside your app.

Utilize deep link strategy

Deep link strategy is the ability to redirect user to a page in the mobile app rather than the home page. These strategies are being used in iOS apps and other mobile apps where in a user clicks on a push notification and is redirect to the page rather than the home page. Another important strategy mobile app development companies can put into practice.

Creating unique identifier

This is perhaps the most important factor. Creating a unique identifier helps in targeted marketing. It also helps in understanding customer behavior and create better content for your audiences.

Mobile app development companies can make use of the above mentioned points to get the most out the mobile app. Any mobile app without a targeted goal cannot achieve its full potential. If you are looking to build your own iOS app and get it up and running in the market our team can provide you the best iOS app development services with an affordable price.

How 5G networks changing the face of Mobile App Development

5G networks

Benefits of 5G Network on Mobile App Development

5G is all set to increase connectivity across networks which are very important for many electronic devices to generate data in real-time. The growth in the 5G-enabled services for the different industries has made it possible for mobile app developers to look creative.  

“5G is expected to hit the market by 2020 and by 2021, the number of 5G connections is predicted to reach between 20 million and 100 million “. 5G communication networks will prepare the human ecosystem beyond text messages, voice calls, video calls, internet surfing, and mobile application accessing towards making the human surroundings sharp.

Advantages of 5G Network Are:

Mixed Reality

The next big creation that dependent on the 5G network is mixed reality. It needed high speed and bandwidth to allow AR and VR to expand. 5G network perfectly suites mixed reality requirements and help Mobile app developers to use their creativity. 

High Speed

With the 5G network, data transfer speed is predicted to be about 10 times higher as compared to 4G. Now Mobile app users can send images and videos with significantly faster speed. Through this tremendous speed, app developers will also use HD images and videos while mobile app development.

Currently, with 4G speed downloading an HD movie take about 10 to 15 minutes but with 5G, it will hardly take less than a second.

Small Delays

The 5G network will let internet users browse the web, download files, and even stream video at the fastest speeds. Todays in 3G and 4G networks, people struggle to download files or watching videos but this will not be a problem with 5G networks. Because of the increased bandwidth, Mobile App Development companies will also be able to test applications and send real-time data without any delay.

 Increased Connectivity

Cell towers integrated with 5G technology would have the infinite capacity as compared to 4G/LTE. That will allow more people to communicate with each other at the same time. With this, the growth of smart devices will also increase and it will directly expand the mobile app industry.

Challenges Associated with Use of 5G in Mobile Apps

1. Security matter

With greater speed will come a greater increase in the number of connected devices and networks – something that will create an alternative in terms of security.

2. Formation of 5G Based Business Model

The network speed which 5G is likely to be launched with will demand business models that make the most of its potential, something the mobile app strategists need to think a lot about.

3. Multiple versions of the application

With 5G coming into practice, the app audience will be getting divided into inconsistent. There will be those who have 5G-fit devices and then those who are still working on devices with 2 G or LTE versions.

Want to solve these Challenges? Get in Touch with Technogiq IT Solutions and Contact our Custom Mobile App Development Team to learn how to prepare your app for the 5G race even before it’s here.

The access to the 5G network is predicted to expand dramatically in 2020. This lightweight network will bring solid connection, phenomenal speed on smartphones and putting interactive data before the users’ eyes. With 5G, we’ll see new emerging technologies will pop up on phones, and on our computer screens.