Top Important factors why Mobile App Development popular in Dubai

In former years, mobile app development is becoming a thriving industry.

Currently, many mobile app developers are dedicated to keeping this industry on top in the market. 

With these industry types, it is clear that mobile application development in Dubai is the main factor for the succession of a business.

Most people are using the internet on their mobile phones

With the increased use of the internet on smartphones or tablets, mobile app development is having an exceptional ability to access the biggest potential consumers. With the launching of various mobile apps, the usage and sales of smartphones and tablets also increases. 

Nowadays, android applications and iOS applications are highly in demand. Users always look for any app according to their needs, requirements, and use. An operating system is the first thing to consider while developing. Android applications work differently and are made user-friendly as compared to iOS applications.

Earlier business owners use various flyers, advertisements, catalogs, and brochures to enhance their sales. But at present, they don’t need these approaches for introducing their business. With the increased use of smartphones, one mobile app is equaled to a brochure, newspaper, cash register, catalog, etc. 

The biggest advantage of a mobile application for businesses

There are various advantages of creating and distributing a mobile application. The top advantages of mobile app development can be given as follows:

1. Loyalty Building

Mobile applications work constantly to increase the loyalty of the customer, mainly in the trading sector.

2. Emphasize your brand

Mobile applications offer the opportunity for brand strengthening via the new channel. With the mobile applications, customers are engaged to download the advanced version of the app, where they are allowed to customize according to their preferences and needs.

3. Enhances your Visibility

Mobile apps help businesses to increase visibility by increasing usability.

4. Sales Enhancement 

This channel helps a firm to expand faster and it also helps in rapid sales growth. It depends on the target customers or audience any company has.

With promotions, discounts, and bonus pop-up notifications you can attract consumers to buy things from your business. You can also contact directly customers to make purchases from your apps those who already installed, by sending them a message for special offers and discounts on a day-to-day basis. Thus, this technique will help you to attract more and more business.  

5. Optimization of Business Process

Developer can create an application for the interaction of workers within the firm with their team so that they can create, manage and monitor any process; run or cumulate some statistics, exchange their data, and files, etc. mobile app development company in Dubai helps in how it is effectively used for the creation, automation, and organization of different business-related tasks. 

These are the important factors why Mobile app development is popular in Dubai. For more information about mobile app development services, visit our website atTechnogiq IT Solutions.

Does Website Speed Affect Website Ranking?

Google is typically looking over user experiences. While building a website you put lots of money, time, effort, and labor to curate and design content for the website beautifully. Then, it is important for you to make a plan for the proper ranking and SEO of your website.

Google already estimated through their research that only a few seconds is the average patience level of a user. So, if you did not increase the speed of your website then it might create issues related to the bouncing rate. Speed is considered as an important factor while SEO (search engine optimization) and conversion rates.

If your website faces a loading issue this still is not a challenging problem to solve, but the challenging thing is to find out where exactly the issue is. Loading problem involves poor coding, high-resolution images, heavy elements, etc. you have to figure out the main issue and fix them as soon as possible. 

To know the score of your website, you need to put your website link on google rank checker and if you get a score of 100%, then your website is safe and its speed is fast.


Faster website loading = lesser website bounce rate;

Slower website loading = higher website bounce rate.

So, to get a high rank on search engines, you have to consider the loading speed of a website as an important subject. But if your site loads faster, then you may get the benefit to be ranked in the top 10 list of search engines. And, understandably, the top 10 websites receive the highest clicks. 

According to research, if your website loads faster than the possibility of bouncing rate is lesser but if it takes more seconds to load, then the possibility of bouncing rate is high. So, according to a survey, it is clear that fast-loading websites attract more users as compared to a slow one, and hence this makes more revenue to their website with the doubled traffic.

Usually, the cause for longer website speeds is poor coding and high-resolution pictures. So, keep a few things very clear in mind before creating a website for your business. And that is the main motive why there are so many things to consider while improving website speed and search engine optimization in Dubai.

To resolve this issue, the prior step to consider while building your plan must be to strategize and then most importantly create precise and attractive content. It does not even matter if it is not as much, let it be less, it will be more effective!

In a conclusion, the speed of your website will always play an essential role, and hence, always prioritize speed and create a well-thought plan for the succession of your website. So, if you have any questions regarding a custom software development company in Dubai, then, get in touch with us at Technogiq IT Solutions.

Top Factors of Android and iPhone Mobile App Development

Nowadays, android applications and iOS are extraordinarily in demand respectively. Users are looking for the apps according to their needs and requirements. The first attention in development goes to Android and iPhone Operating Systems. Apps in androids are made user-friendly while in iOS they work differently. This feature makes Android and iPhone more loved among people. 

Here are a few factors that should be considered when choosing the android app development:

  1. Research
  2. Identification of Targeted Audience
  3. Features of Mobile Application Platform
  4. Selection of Right Platform
  5. Operating System (O.S.)
  6. Plan of Action
  7. Budget Friendly
  8. The focus of Strategies for Marketing
  9. Testing

These are the basic factors to be considered, other things to keep in mind are given as follows:

  • Machine Learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence) –

While cloud computing has brought a huge amount of strength to computing for all businesses, the creation of Artificial Intelligence that enhances regular task performance or procedures becomes easier. 

The flexibility of results is both the weakness and strength of Artificial Intelligence development. You can use it to automate different tasks, integrating image identification, processing of natural language, or analysis of data.

In addition, only the training process is computing-heavy. The currently trained network can be efficiently utilized and introduced on smart devices, with no consumption of the processor.

  • Instant Apps-

Instant apps in the Android and iOS app development are not rare; instead, they still became popular. Instant apps allow users to try new applications or games without installing them on mobile or any other device. It prevents consumers to download any app, thus it helps to use the faster web and directly with no need to install them. 

This instant app technology helps games and E-commerce businesses. This app does not occupy any extra space on mobile phones or smart devices and thus it reduces unnecessary interruption in the system. The major benefit of this is getting full access to the mobile application with no need of downloading them; it has extra storage space, remarkable UX/UI design, and compatibility over each Android and iPhone gadget.

  • Multiplatform Development-

Flutter is the latest technology from Google and also it is a future opportunity for Android App development. This structure permits android app development with the use of an inhabitant interface for the platforms Android and IOS. Numbers of developers pick this platform as an implementation tool for making mobile phone apps due to its flexibility and combinability. A good company for android app development in Dubai offers you their best services. 

Few main reasons to prefer Flutter include:

  1. It’s native designing
  2. Easy and simple to learn feature
  3. Development of MVP

As software developers join Flutter dynamically into the process of app development that makes the technology most used in android app development.

That’s why businesses in Dubai should not overlook the Android and iPhone App development and only appoint some of the best mobile app development companies in Dubai. For more information, feel free to contact our experts or visit our website at Technogiq IT Solutions.

Different Ways a Right Software Development Company Can Boost Your Business Revenue

custom software development company in Dubai

The needs and demands of customers are working as a driving force in the market, at present times competition in any business is very challenging and tight. The development and progression of technology make it possible for industries to provide more than their competitors, sophisticated facilities and extra services to their customers.

In this era of technology, industries have the advantage of availing different types of software that helps to boost their business. Undoubtedly, online existence is becoming so important, but it is also very important to utilize the correct type of plan and strategy accordingly. 

There are several businesses in the market which offer you customized development of software. These businesses not only make designing of correct software but they also make sure that it is modified as per your needs. Keeping a record of all detail is important when you wanted the overall development of any business. 

Personalized services and business strategy are in demand

All work happens with one click of a key, but a personalized service provides a better opportunity for any industry to sustain itself. The overall approach or scheme that a company uses influences its sustainability and growth in the market. That’s why it is essential while planning for any business you should go with the services of an industry that offers development of software as well. 

Let see how the right software development company can boost your business revenue:

For the best possible results of a business strategy, an industry that deals with the development of software guide you perfectly on an initial stage. The professionals working in the industry are trained experts who have the knowledge and natural skills required for the development of software. Depending on the requirement of any business, the professional make necessary modifications and suggestions in software for your business.  

The development of software helps to save your time

Make use of customized designing of software helps you to save so much of your precious time. We all know that time is a valuable thing and try to use it wisely for growing your business perfectly. The perfect approach or scheme that a company uses influences its sustainability and growth in the market. 

As the owner of a business, you need to look at every small detail to make sure your business grows ideally. 

The software simplifies your job and keeps you updated

There are several time-consuming and complicated tasks in industries. These works got simplified when you choose customized software for your business. But it is also very important to utilize the correct type of plan and strategy accordingly. 

The requirement of mobile software is not only a luxury to their users but it becomes a necessity. Nowadays, many businesses are integrated with mobile-based apps that offer flexibility to their customers. 

This is how the right custom software development company in Dubai can boost your business revenue.

If you are looking for the best software development company in Dubai, you can visit our website Technogiq IT Solutions.

5 Best Practices to increase ROI with Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing Strategy

Essentially, ROI marketing is the process of constantly enhancing the performance of marketing and its profitability by pertaining deep insight for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of tactical and strategic decisions. All these insights are created from cautiously designed financial and measurable assessments of ROI.

Digital marketing is benefitted with marketing ROI in which businesses have to reach their targeted customer at right time. In the current digitized and technological world, make a connection with your client online help you to develop your business. Mainly small or start-up businesses require a superior level of plans for digital marketing so that they can be generated and boost their contact with potential clients.

The best practices to increase ROI with Digital Marketing Strategy are given as follows:

Higher returns with least cost

The advantage of digital marketing ROI for new start-ups, marketing with lesser cost and maximum return is the most pleasing scenario, specifically for small or new businesses. 

Bigger companies may afford those higher costs of marketing but small business or start ups needs to put their effort for keeping charges low and get maximum profit. While working with the digital marketing agency, you will find cost-effective digital marketing planning for your business and in return get maximum revenues. 

 Attract more targeted visitors to increase ROI

As a small business or start-up business holder, you can achieve your marketing goals and you can connect with the targeted clients easily through online marketing. 

With the correct strategy at the correct time, you can make a connection with more potent customers for business and this proficient access is potential with the intelligent planning for digital marketing in the UAE or any other place. 

Digital marketing services company will help you to accomplish more clients via different strategies, which involve content marketing, e-mail marketing, SEO marketing, video marketing, etc.

Get benefit from social media power to attract ROI

With different social media platforms, one can strike the headline posts with their business to maximum people in a short duration of time. 

The social media platform is so powerful or says impactful, it can figure customer’s decisions, choices, and preferences for any topic. It depends on the type of your business’s product and services, the social media platform works as a tool it attracts more people towards your business those who are more interested in your company. 

Maximum exchange rates with the perfect Digital Marketing strategy

The top advantage of digital marketing is providing higher exchange rates. The exchange rate is mainly the percentage of viewers to the website who visited frequently.

With the optimization of the exchange rate, digital marketing services in the UAE will allow your business to achieve the maximum count of visitors to complete your desired objective out of the total count of visitors.

These are the best practices to increase ROI with Digital Marketing Strategy.

If you are looking for a digital marketing company in the UAE, you can visit our website Technogiq IT Solutions.

A Complete Guide to Turn Your Shopify Store into A Mobile App

Shopify Development Company in Dubai

E-commerce has completely modified the trading scenario; it also helps sellers to showcase their stuffs online instead of putting them in stores. That is why, it is important to expand E-commerce stores that show an ideal blend between functionality and aesthetics. Out of so many e-commerce platforms, Shopify is the top choice of vendors who wanted efficiency and quality along with rich features and simplicity.

Shopify is a perfect option for those stores which sell products or services and they needed a minimum amount for configuration. Sellers can sell any single product or more than one product by executing the homepage section of Shopify according to their business necessity. This will ultimately boost their business demand as well as their revenue for a business. 

To compete with the latest market, it is important to turn your Shopify into a Mobile App. Here is a complete guide on how to turn your Shopify store into a Mobile App:

Pick a Shopify App

To turn a Shopify store into a mobile app, first of all, you have to select a Shopify App that offers you technology with the seamless checkout offers, enabled product listing to your users.

Setting up your account on the app

Once you are done with choosing an app builder to turn your Shopify store into an App, sign up to get an account. Go with the option for Shopify App that gives you a free trial option. This option helps you to measure how well it helps to turn your Shopify store into a Mobile App. 

Add up your Shopify store to an app

A Shopify application makes it easier for you to build a native application for your store. All you have to do is just add your Shopify store’s link to the app. It enables the mobile application creator to access all the information of your listed products and make all the important navigations, categories, etc of your app ready.

Customize your Application

Take a quick look at generated app using the creator of Shopify Mobile App. Customize to alter the banner image, the logo, and other features that match the personality of your desired Shopify store. App creator for your desired Shopify store offers you different customizable options and it also helps you with the guidelines for how to create an app.

Publish your Shopify App

It is very easy to get a mobile app from your Shopify store and keep running it. With the Android App and IOS, you are ready to target maximum smart phone users. 

This is how you can turn your Shopify Store into a Mobile App. Shopify Development Company in Dubai helps you to get a mobile app with ease and they provide you all desired guidance as well. 

Technogiq IT Solutions UAE is one of the best android app development companies in Dubai, UAE that provides Shopify App Development services for your business. We help our clients to meet their business needs and goals. For more information, visit our website.

How To Select The Best Website Design And Development Agency In Dubai

Website Design and Development Services in Dubai

Whether starting a new business or plan to start a new business, having it on the online platform is very important. It allows people to know about your business. So, for the growth and sustainability of any business, a good website design is a primary need for everyone. Therefore, the first step towards success is by choosing the correct website design and development services for your business. 

A website should be effective and interactive so that it attracts more viewers and thus they spend a good time reading your article. Due to the poor design of websites, sometimes owners have to face bounce rate problems. So, to avoid this problem you have to choose the best web design and Development Company that provides you an effective and efficient design that enhances the visitors and increases the rate of retention. 

Here are few tips to keep in mind before choosing a web development company:

A glimpse at the Portfolio:

Always take a look at the portfolio to access the diversity and quality of the work. Also, it shows past projects and the expertise of the agency in projects. You may ask for some relevant samples of the past project and approach the company according to that. You can make the correct decision after the evaluation of the portfolio. 

Importance of customer reviews:

 Social media platform provides a great source to make a check on company’s reputation and the techniques they used to handle projects. Users leave their messages or reviews on the social media platform, thus it helps new users to know deeply about their products and services. Sometimes, reviews are biased so it is important to read as much as reviews are possible before reach to a conclusion. 

Additional services:

In the beginning, you may not require those services, but after a long run, your business and website need extra services like Search Engine Optimization or graphic designing. So, always make sure to go with the company that provides you all these services. 

Quality and cost:

Never compromise with the quality of the project, even though everyone wishes to do their projects at affordable prices, but sometimes a little push to budget makes a good business. There are several companies are available that ensure that they will deliver a project at low cost, but beware of them they may try to fool you; because no quality products come at a low cost.

Support and maintenance: 

A website needs frequent maintenance to make the best performance. The website requires a support system as well that offers goods and a service in case if something goes wrong. 

Keep these tips in mind before choosing a web design and development agency because an effective and efficient company helps you to grow better and faster. 

If you are looking for a web design services company, our company is a dedicated development company. For more information visit our website Technogiq IT Solutions.

Top 5 Reasons to Hire Digital Marketing Services for Your Business

The last two decades have seen rapid growth in the digital industry. With the internet reaching most of the people worldwide it has opened doors of new possibilities and avenues for businesses and brands. Now it is easier for companies to connect with their customers without really having to worry about time, place, and availability.

Digital marketing has changed the way products and services were being advertised. Professional digital marketing companies with expert professionals have helped many business and brands to establish a solid online presence to promote their products and services. Let’s take a look at top 5 reasons as to why digital marketing services are essential for businesses in today’s day and age.

Concentrate on business operations

It takes a lot of time, money, and energy to construct and operate in house marketing teams. Without actual knowledge all your efforts may go in vain. Here a professional digital marketing company comes to your rescue. Not only it provides you expert and professional services like SEO and digital campaigns but also knows how to get the most out of your investment and provide maximum ROI. So you can actually focus on business operations and leave marketing related things to a professional.

Reduce overall cost

A professional digital marketing company knows how to operate on a fixed budget and how to provide maximum ROI. This not only helps you reduce cost on marketing and advertisement but also lets you utilize that investment in some other important area of business. Also with expert consultation you save a lot on marketing and ad campaigns.

Working with experts

When you hire a dedicated digital marketing agency you get to work with expert professionals who are smart and diligent enough to understand your product and services and your need. They create strategies and plans that best suit you and help spread word about your brand. They expertly make use of all available digital media platforms and target audiences that is most likely to be interested in your offerings.

Provide tangible results

Hiring a dedicated digital marketing agency has another advantage. You can actually visualize your gains both interms of customers and sales. They help you get measurable results for the efforts that have been put into digital marketing. As a business you are only interested in numbers and a professional digital marketing agency lets you reap tangible rewards for targeted and well crafted ad and SEO campaigns.

Improve brand recognition

By creating right sets of digital media campaigns, these companies help you improve your brand and boost sales. They target audiences that suit best for your product and services. And when your customers like the offerings they invariably become your brand ambassadors and provide free publicity, hence improving your overall branding.

We are Technogiq IT Solutions, a leading digital marketing company. We offer digital marketing services to clients from UAE and across the globe. Our ROI based solutions have helped our clients grow their business and boost sales. If you have a project in mind, let’s connect.

Why Your E-Commerce Business Needs a Mobile Application

With the emergence of modern technologies, mobile apps have become an inseparable part of each business and brand for reaching more audience. Mobile apps have revolutionised the way retailers and brands now connect with their customers and offer their products and services. Traditional ways such as bulletin boards and printing materials have been replaced by progressive and adaptive mobile apps.

With the demand growing more for mobile apps, a number of mobile app development companies have come into the picture that offer quality services to their clients. As a brand looking to build your own e-commerce mobile application, you should always opt for professional mobile app development services for best results. Let’s take a look as to why is it important to have a mobile application for your e-commerce business.

Improve customer experience

There is a demand from the modern day customer for personalized experience and offers. Mobile apps can help you provide highly personalized experience to your clients. By making use of customer data and their search and purchase behaviour and trends you can create specialized offers for your different clients at different times.

Higher conversion rate

It is a proven fact that mobile apps lead to higher conversion rates. Your potential clients can easily get converted to permanent and loyal customers which will not only boost your sales but result in increased brand value. Features like personalized push notification and easy checkout process leads to improved customer experience. And when customer feels at ease while using mobile app it leads to better conversion rates.

Improved brand recognition

Improved brand recognition is one other important advantage you get from having a mobile app. Since a number of customers spend good number of hours using mobile app, it becomes easy for brands to connect with their customers. A beautiful UI/UX design can lead a lasting impression on your customer. A robust and an attractive mobile app helps in engaging users for a long time making customers advertise your brand and services for you free of cost.

Increased sales and revenue

Mobile apps are easily manageable and user-friendly. They help provide customers with personalized experience through push notifications, offers and other options. So when customer receives offers that are tailor made for them, they tend to purchase more. And this helps your business grow sales and revenue over a sustained time period. The more you offer to your customers, more are chances that you will have higher sale conversions.

We are Technogiq IT Solutions, a leading mobile app development company. We offer mobile development services to clients from UAE and across the globe. Our ROI based solutions have helped our clients grow their business and boost sales. If you have a project in mind, let’s connect.