Why Agile is the Best Choice for Nearshore Software Development

Managing distributed software development with the use of an agile methodology has been proven to be the most effective way to handle software projects in any kind of scenario, especially if the work is being done remotely. In this article, we will be going over why Agile works best for nearshore software development and how you can use it to your advantage as you take on your next nearshore development project.

What is Agile?

Agile is a set of principles, values, and practices to help teams work together more effectively. It emphasizes self-organizing teams, working software, and customer collaboration. To be truly agile, a team must have the following characteristics: leadership skills in all roles on the team, good communication skills (both written and verbal), strong programming skills, willingness to learn new skills, ability to take responsibility for mistakes, and high levels of motivation.

Benefits of Agile

Agile development is an iterative and incremental approach to creating software products. It has many benefits, including faster delivery of new features and the ability to respond quickly to changing customer demands. 

Additionally, agile teams can shift their focus to deliverables that are most needed by stakeholders. These benefits help make agile projects a great choice for nearshore software development. Instead of taking months or years to complete, these projects typically take weeks or months. In addition, this methodology allows developers to adapt easily to changes in the business environment without slowing down production schedules.

Scrum application in software development

Scrum is a framework that helps software development teams work together more effectively, delivering valuable products to customers with predictability and reliability. Scrum works through sprints, which are short cycles of work that are typically 1-4 weeks long. Each sprint has a goal and a set of tasks to accomplish that goal, called backlog items or stories. 

At the beginning of each sprint, the team identifies what they believe they can complete in the coming period. At the end of the sprint, it holds a retrospective where it reviews what was accomplished, makes changes if necessary, and commits to doing better next time.

Use of Agile

In the early phases, when you’re trying to figure out what your users want and how they’ll use your product, it makes sense to iterate fast and break things as you go. This is where Agile development fits best. You’ll learn about unknowns that arise along the way and be able to respond quickly in an agile way so that you can constantly improve your product. 

Agile is an excellent choice for nearshore software development because it saves time, money, and resources that would otherwise be spent on planning upfront.

Technogiq IT Solutions offers services in Software development and helps to drive growth in your business. Contact us to learn more about our engineering competencies.

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